Every four years, 32 countries from around the world compete over soccer’s (or football for our non-North American readers) biggest prize. This year’s edition of the FIFA World Cup is also the first tournament with a heavy social media buzz: networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are on fire with all types of World Cup discussions and dominated by world cup related hashtags. An infographic below prepared by Offerpop captured the main data only a week into the competition and provided an overview of how the World Cup is dominating discussions across all social marketing platforms. Some of the main statistics include:

  • There are 350,000 Tweets per day regarding the World Cup.
  • #WorldCup, #Brazil2014, and #Brazil are the most popular hashtags on Twitter.
  • Over 236,863 posts were made on Instagram were made within the first five days.

With the quarterfinals happening at the moment, activity is sure to pick up as fans are on the edge of their sits watching their favourite squads compete to the final seconds…while Tweeting, of course.


Featured Image Source: The Network

Infographic Source: Offerpop