Continuously updating its platform, LinkedIn has recently announced the launching and addition of self-serve video advertising to its suite of business solutions. The social media giant has made a significant amount of aesthetic changes to the website recently to foster communication between brands and users. This is another step in the right decision for LinkedIn to further monetize the world’s #1 B2B social networking platform, and it also allows advertisers to leverage the powerful effect of multimedia in advertisements.

Video ads will compete with regular display ads

Advertisers will continue to bid based on CPM or CPC metrics to ensure that their video ads will be seen in the 300×250 ad blocks designated for self-serve display advertising. The main advantage with the updated social media advertising solution is that once a user clicks on the ad, the video will take up the entire 300×250 block. This provides brands with tremendous opportunities to push videos to a very specific target audience.

LinkedIn will integrate Youtubes platform for videos

The main selling point with LinkedIn’s video advertising suite is the agreement with Youtube that will permit users to integrate their uploaded videos into the ad service. In addition, users will be able to view view all analytics data related to its performance. This provides an added value for advertisers looking to leverage LinkedIn’s advertising capabilities to increase their following on Youtube and increase views for their videos.

“Should I invest in LinkedIn Video ads?”

As with any media buying campaign, you need to prioritize the objectives and determine whether or not these advertisements will resonate with your target audience. Although the advanced professional targeting options may prove to be more beneficial than advertising on Facebook or Google, investing in video advertising (or LinkedIn in general) may not help you achieve your desired ROI. However, if you are launching a new B2B product or use videos to sell clients on your services, video advertising on the burgeoning social media platform may prove to be worthwhile.

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