Every thought, query, question- answered in seconds. It’s amazing when you think about it, a tool designed to locate whatever you’re looking for, delivering results literally at your fingertips. A bottomless well of information at your disposal from almost anywhere all the time.

Imagine a world without this powerful resource; it’s not easy.  The Internet has revolutionized our lives and Google has revolutionized the online world; and they’re here to stay.  Here’s a tip, we’re playing for the Google team, so play by their rules, or get thrown out of the game.


Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is an essential component to any business.  SEM should be a SEGMENT of any unified marketing strategy and a combination of efforts best suited to your business, whether it’s SEM, PPC (pay-per-click), SMO (social media optimization), PR (public relations) and/or development and design.

Many people think of SEM as a constant toe to toe with Google, a push and pull effort that seems to get tougher as the updates roll out.  The key is hiring marketing specialists with a proven approach and the capacity to adapt to the continuous updates and changes.

Google and SEM

Google regulates the online world like a referee at a hockey match, disciplining cheaters and reprimanding unfair play in order to maintain an equal playing ground. Google constantly updates their algorithms to prevent the constant stream of dishonest players from achieving their goals.

Search Engine Marketing shows Google who, what and where you are.  Without that information it cannot be determined if you are relevant to the search term you want to be found for.  Many companies don’t know HOW to tell Google who they are and what they represent, and that’s the problem.  SEM is no longer about putting keywords on your site and hoping that Google picks up on them.  With MILLIONS of websites online today Google can no longer rely on such a simple optimization methods.

How it all comes Together:

SEM is a tactical approach to showing Google the relevance of your site based on certain search terms.  A GOOD SEM campaign comprises link strategies, keyword choices- both long and short term, content marketing, PR and social media.  Search Engine Marketing can no longer rely on one or two strategies; it is the combination of several strategies and knowing when to use them that makes SEM an effective marketing tool.

Successfully marketing a business is a team effort.  It’s important to have skilled writers writing sound, quality content about your business and for your website.   Also, professionals experienced in Search Optimization that know how and where to place tags and keywords on and off your site, and that stay informed with the latest Google updates and regulations.  A marketing manager is vital as well, to help promote the brand and solidify company presence.

Hiring a marketing agency ensures your company is always playing by the rules even when the game changes. There are so many components that must come together in order for your business to succeed in this highly competitive online world. The right agency will help you take care of that while you focus on running your business.