Let’s face it, when you’re trying to come up with the best way to develop a strong following online, simply increasing your SEO efforts via traditional efforts just isn’t sufficient enough these days. The days of stuffing your existing content with keywords are long gone, giving way to smart and well-crafted copy that creates a stir in the online marketplace. So how is this done?

When crafting your next marketing plan to attract potential clients online, you’re reaching out to a sea of millions. It’s important to think about what would make you instantly stand out. Here are a few simple yet sometimes overlooked guidelines to help you maximize your exposure and get people looking at your business.

Keep it visual.

It’s surprising how many times great work will be overlooked because it doesn’t catch the eye. It’s invaluable to have an eye-catching design, picture, or even video to accompany any community-focused content strategy.

Quality is king

Another common mistake is thinking that as long as your potential clients find you first, they are likely to stay on your page. This is false. A well-crafted article or newsletter, for example, will portray the exact message your company needs to put across. This, when added to properly researched topics and material will not only get you more readers, but start conversations about your articles.

Stay social

Go out to a local coffee chain or restaurant and count how many people pick up their phones to check their social media. Don’t you think they should be reading about your business? Share your work online both on your business and personal accounts. Keep people looking at your content and it’s sure to yield positive results.

Although these are fundamental rules, they can sometimes be overlooked or, just as worse, not done properly. Keep these steps in mind before finalizing any of your company’s new content.