Facebook and Twitter are normally considered two of the “must-haves” for social media marketing strategies. However, lesser known companies such as Foursquare are making a significant impact in the online environment. Foursquare, with over 20 million users, can bring a lot of value to brands that operate in local markets. So how does Foursquare fit in your overall social media marketing mix?

Claim a Place for your Business

Obviously, the first step to successfully conquering Foursquare marketing is to claim a venue for your business. Doing so will allow users in your establishment to check-in and notify their friends, and Foursquare provides users with extra incentives for updating their location with badges and awards. Integrated with Facebook and Twitter, users checking-in at your venue will organically increase brand awareness for your company through various social networks.


Develop a Branded Profile

Increase your followers by creating a branded profile that allows users to view your activity in news feeds. Creating a profile also allows your company to leave tips at various locations, an excellent way to create engagement with your audience and make users dependent on your brand for information. Company pages can prove to be useful if you do not have a physical location or if you have multiple franchises.

Create Specials

Foursquare’s social media marketing capabilities allows brands to create specials for new users, brand switchers, and loyal customers. For example, you can tempt new visitors with a discount or a free item for the first time they check-in, or entice repeat purchases by offering customers a prize after checking-in a number of times. Providing unique specials can go a long way to breaking through the clutter and increasing business, especially if you are in a highly competitive environment.

Advertise through Foursquare’s Promoted Products

Foursquare has recently announced that they are rolling out a promoted product suite similar to that of Twitter’s social media marketing solutions, enabling brands to purchase space in activity feeds. Companies that utilize the promoted updates feature will be charged on a cost-per-action basis, which includes everything from a page visit to a check-in. Selected brands will be testing the new feature as the social media giant will refine it for self-serve options in the near future.

“I own an excavating company…should I be on Foursquare?”

Short answer is no. Foursquare is ideal for two types of companies: B2C businesses with physical locations and national/international brands. For the latter, a Foursquare page is just another social media profile to increase a brand’s following and community engagement. If you want to make an impact using social media and start driving traffic to your venue, Foursquare is an excellent starting point.