Launched a little over a year ago, Google+ has transformed from a niche social media website to a full-fledged networking utility that is becoming an integral component of any brand’s online presence. A recent study indicates that now has over 250 million registered users, including a majority of the world’s top 100 brands. It might be time for your company to exploit the unique capabilities available on this social media site and integrate it into your overall marketing plan.

‘+1’ Your SEO Efforts with Google+

Getting users to +1 your company profile and search results for specific keywords can have a tremendous effect on your Search Engine Optimization efforts. Although not as crucial as building link popularity and creating fresh content, leveraging the +1 feature from this social media platform can increase your brand’s relevancy to associated keywords. For example, a user clicking the +1 button beside a link result for the keyword “computer parts” will send a signal to Google that there is relevancy between that website and the keyword searched. Although one user hitting the +1 button won’t help you jump up 50 spots on search engines, hundreds of users clicking that button will indubitably help you SEO efforts.


Video Hangouts Provide an Interactive Experience

Interact with your audience through Google+’s hangout feature. A live video chat between a brand representative and your audience will create an engaging experience within your circles and build a buzz about your brand. Hangouts can also be recorded, affording companies the opportunity to post the videos on a blog afterwards. This is a great opportunity for companies to let their brand personalities shine through, provide a fun experience, and promote/introduce new products.

Community Building and Content Curation is possible for Niche Segments

Google+ has proven to be an ideal social media site for establishing credibility and branding oneself as an expert. In particular, companies in the realm of technology have quickly embraced the social media marketing platform, such as CNET, SEOmoz, and Tech Crunch. These are just a few of many profiles that share a lot of content on a consistent basis and encourage their fans to take part in discussions. Business profiles can also segment followers into different circles and tailor content to specific audiences.

Will Google+ take over Facebook and Twitter?

Not likely. Google+, while an effective social media tool for businesses, still falls behind Facebook and Twitter when it comes to reach and ability to build active communities. However, Google+ is unique in that it provides multiple capabilities not found on other social media sites and is beyond a shadow of a doubt beneficial for businesses looking to improve their Search Engine Optimization efforts.