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There are many reasons why content marketing has become such a force over the past several years. One of the main reasons marketing professionals all over the world are investing resources into creating content is the advancement made in technology over the past ten years. It has become easier than ever to disseminate information across multiple platforms, ranging from social media platforms & mobile apps to websites, blogs, and newsletters.

Another benefit of content marketing is the prominence of experts within specific niches and verticals. Before the rise of the internet and the proliferation of blogs and content-rich websites, it was nearly impossible for the average writer to make his/her thoughts known to the world, let alone world-class experts. For example, look at Rand Fishkin from Moz, a popular SEO & digital marketing platform for businesses and agencies alike. Rand established himself as an authority in the world of search engine marketing by publishing content, videos, and ebooks, something that could not have been done in the 90s. Rand Fishkin is only one of millions of experts disseminating content on a daily or weekly basis, cultivating massive followings by sharing their expertise, thoughts, and opinions.


Another day, another user experience test launched by Google.

Shortly after shocking the world (well, maybe not the whole world, but rather the search community) by changing the traditional yellow ad label to green, it seems like Google is experimenting with a new design according to screenshots from Twitter user @matibarnes. As exhibited by the screenshot below, the new green ad label has been inverted, with the colour green being used as the outline on top of a white background:

AdWords Label Test


Monetizing your social media following on YouTube just became a little bit easier.

Although YouTube has released a variety of features over the past couple of years that make it relatively easy for popular video stars and social media celebrities to make money, it seems like life just became a little easier with this new Super Chat feature. As of today (on select channels only), anyone that is watching a live stream will have the ability to push their comment to the top for up to five hours. The incentive for end users is having the ability to get their message seen by content creators, avoiding getting lost in an endless stream of comments. Yours truly can attest to the fact that it’s relatively painful to get yourself heard by major influencers when comments are being sent via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and more. This new feature allows fans to essentially “skip the line” and pay to have their comments seen by influencers and viewers alike. All an end user needs to do is click on the dollar sign button within the chat interface to feature their comment. As of today, the feature is only available on the web and the Android app – iOS support will come later. You can see a little demonstration of the feature below via YouTube’s official blog post(more…)

Holiday shoppers, ecommerce store managers, social media marketing professionals, and retail employees: the biggest commercial weekend of the year is only a week away.

While football and turkeys will dominate next Thursday, companies all over the United States (and Canada!) will be preparing for the Black Friday madness to begin next week. While Black Friday has traditionally been the time for brick and mortar stores to push specials, the online environment has seen a surge of discounts, promotions, and exclusive sales over the past couple of years. The addition of Cyber Monday to the holiday weekend sales bonanza has only made the madness more appealing for holiday shoppers, with online-only promotions getting their own special day.


With over 2 million apps available on Apple’s App Store, getting your app discovered and to stand out from the crowd can seem like daunting tasks. The majority of apps are discovered by using the search feature, but if people can’t find your app when they type in specific keywords, you’re going to have a hard time being discovered and downloaded.

New App Discovery Methods
Kissmetrics blog

This is where App Store optimization, or ASO, come into play. If you’re already familiar with website SEO, you’ll notice some similarities when it comes to optimizing your app for the App Store. In this post we’ll be exploring not only why you should be investing in optimizing your app, but also five ways in which you can get started.

      1. One of the main factors in ASO is having your keyword in your title. Your keyword with the heaviest traffic should be placed in your apps title, regardless of its difficulty. Keyword research for the App Store should take a slightly different approach to traditional keyword research for website SEO, but is essentially the same.
        Utilizing tools such as Google’s keyword planner can be helpful, but the keywords may be too broad. There are plenty of App Store keyword analysis tools which look at which keywords your competitors are using. You can also look for keywords in their titles, throughout the text in their app description and in the text of their 5 star reviews. Looking at the actual reviews you can see what users of the app describe the app as, which is likely going to be what people would type in when they are looking for your app. Focus groups or asking people what they would search for to find your app can also give you an idea of which direction to go in.

        Be careful though, a character limit of approximately 25 characters is recommended otherwise your title gets cut off in the search results. If your title is cut off, people will be less likely to download as they cannot fully see what the app is or does. While you do need a well optimized title, you also need one that is memorable and will be visible to potential downloaders.

        Keyword in Title ASO
        Kissmetrics Blog
      2. Optimize your app’s page by using detailed screenshots that show the app in use as well as descriptive videos. This will not only give users who visit your page a better idea of what your app does and how to use it, but it will also boost rankings. The App Store limits you to 5 screenshots, so make the good! Using generic screens such as a login page or menus does not tell potential users much about the app and does not convey any idea of user experience.


      1. A well written description with your keyword(s) is just as important in ASO as content on a website is for website SEO. The first few lines are what users will see first, so this is where it is crucial to capture your audience. In three lines you need to convey what you app does, how it is different from  others on the market and why the user should want to install it. Next, you want to list the benefits of your app for the user, as well as any quotes from reviews to give your app credibility.


      1. If you have just launched your app, using other forms of online marketing, such as PPC and social media can help drive people to the App Store to download your app. If Apple sees that many people are downloading your app this can help give your app credibility. The more popular you are the more downloads you’ll get. As ASO takes time, this is where your additional marketing channels come into play. There is research to suggest that the App Store algorithms can detect spammy downloads, such as using bots to download your app, so as always it’s always much better to go down the legitimate route. If you get people who are interested in your app to download it and they use it regularly, you will also see engagement increase – which is not only great from a business point of view, but can also help improve your rankings.


    1. Once you have people downloading and using your app you can then start collecting reviews. Reviews can have an impact on rankings but more importantly, higher reviews mean more people to downloading your app. Regularly receiving high starred reviews serves as great endorsement that your app is worth downloading. To increase the number of reviews you can use tactics such as notifications within the app to leave a review after using the app for a specific period of time, or reached a certain number of screens. You can also offer easy ways to get help if the user encounters a problem, or email users who haven’t left a review and prompt them to leave one.

There is great value in App Store Optimization. With a bit of optimization, fine tuning, and research your app could soon reach the top of the charts!

There are three things certain in life: death, taxes, and algorithm updates from Google.

Now while that may be a hyperbolic statement, it is no surprise that Google tweaked with their core engine this month by launching two major algorithm updates: Possum and Penguin 4.0. To better understand how each algorithm update affects the search engine environment, check out the details below.

Penguin 4.0

Date: September 23, 2016.
Percentage of Queries Affected: Unknown – Algorithm now runs in real-time.


Earlier this year, Google introduced Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to users around the world by including these mobile results as part of the “top stories” section. The benefit of AMP for content publishers, webmasters, and users alike is that these pages load significantly faster than traditional pages optimized for mobile devices. For those of you who are unsure of how to find AMP within mobile search results, all you need to do is look for the shiny lightning bolt icon that adorns these specific listings as shown below (and no, the lightning bolt icon does not represent the Tampa Bay Lightning nor the San Diego Chargers).

Yes, I am Canadian and I like hockey. I fit the stereotype to a T.
Yes, I am Canadian and I like hockey. I fit the stereotype to a T.


There’s no doubt the landscape of Google search results and Google My Business (formally Google Places) has changed significantly over the past five years. Several years ago, ads were shown both above and to the right of search results, with the ads on top having a shaded color background. Ad labels used to be a nice shade of yellow and people didn’t give mobile a second thought when it came to rankings.

Nowadays, however, we have a landscape where right column ads have become extinct, ad labels have turned green, and mobile rankings have become almost just as important as regular desktop rankings. Additionally, localized searches have evolved from just organic results to a blend of search engine listings and local Google Maps results. Luckily, Google has also streamlined the design to make it easier for users to find information, as shown via the interactive example below:

These search results make me hungry :(
Mmmm pizza!


Eons ago (hyperbolic effect intended), receiving a new email used to be a joyous and wonderful occasion. In fact, the growth of email was fun to watch, especially as Hollywood capitalized on the emerging trend by developing a whole film around the “You’ve Got Mail” tagline with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan.

You've Got Mail!
Just look at how excited they were to receive mail. Who can forget that classic.

Of course, that feels like eons ago. Nowadays, inboxes are full of messages, ranging from bills and personal messages to work requests and spam…lots and lots of spam. Not only do we suffer from email overload, but it’s not unusual for people to have multiple email accounts. Some stats from The Radicati Group reinforce the notion that we have become email crazy:


Another day, another update.
Instagram has released their latest feature: Instagram Stories. The new feature allows users to share photos and videos in a slideshow format, known as their story. Sound familiar?


Just like Snapchat, you can add filters, text and drawings to your post. The similarities don’t stop there. You can swipe between stories and respond using Instagram’s messaging system. Stories also disappear after 24 hours.

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram


Although they seem quite similar, there are a few elements that differentiate Instagram’s stories from Snapchat’s:

Now before you go accusing Kevin Systrom of stealing, the CEO of Instagram admits that they didn’t invent the concept.

This isn’t about who invented something. This is about a format, and how you take it to a network and put your own spin on it.

The point of the feature seems to be to encourage users to post about their everyday lives on the platform, and not just the highlights in a curated feed. The photo sharing app is primarily known as a place to share your carefully framed flat lays and filtered selfies, but now wants to become a place to share every moment in life. The goal is to boost the amount of content shared, without users having to worry about being spammy.


While your loyal Snapchat users may find the feature redundant, there’s definitely potential for brands. They can use the feature to their advantage by sharing a different type of content with their Instagram followers.